Welcome Back-To-School!
August in Oklahoma means two things for our library-media friends – back-to-school, and introducing the Sequoyah books to their students!
In the coming weeks, library-media specialists who faithfully support The Sequoyah Book Award Program will begin promoting the masterlists to their students. That’s where we come in. As proud supporters of the Sequoyah Award, we create free posters, bookmarks, and an exciting promotional video each year – for Oklahoma librarians and their students.
This week, we released the 2016 Children’s Promotional video, and next week we will release the Intermediate and High School videos. This labor of love began in Feburary, tracking down authors, editing video, selecting graphics and audio, writing scripts, etc. Why? Because we love Oklahoma. We love reading and literacy. And, we grew up reading the Sequoyah books as youngsters, and want to keep the third-oldest children’s-choice book award going strong!
All 15 authors are represented, with nearly every one speaking directly to Oklahoma students in original, exclusive videos. The authors were incredibly gracious this year, and it is our heart’s desire that Oklahoma students get to know them and read their books.
As a gift to our most faithful Perma-Bound customers, they have exclusive access and use of the video through October 5th. On October 6th at OTA/Encyclo-Media, we will give a free DVD copy of the videos to any library-media specialist who drops by our booth and speaks with us about the benefits of Perma-Bound. If a library-media specialist isn’t quite ready to add the-strongest-books-you-can-buy to their library, and they don’t attend the October conference, they can contact us on December 15th, and we’ll send them the free video so they can motivate their students to participate in the program, in plenty of time to read at least three books and cast their votes in early March.
Here is a 1-minute sneak preview. It shows the first minute of the 32-minute video, and, as you can see, there is a special 16th author who took the time to say a few words to the OK students…
We hope you have a wonderful school year!
K & K – The Brown Brothers